Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Stereotypes and Prejudice Essay Example for Free

Stereotypes and Prejudice Essay Please complete the following exercises, remembering that you are in an academic setting and should remain unbiased, considerate, and professional when completing this worksheet. Part I Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each: †¢ Race †¢ Ethnicity †¢ Religion †¢ Gender †¢ Sexual orientation †¢ Age †¢ Disability |Category |Stereotype 1 |Stereotype 2 |Stereotype 3 | |Gender |Not good enough (women) |Too controlling (Men) |Lazy workers (Women) | |Age |Lacks concentration and focus |Lacks professionalism (younger) |Want more money for less work just| | |(younger) | |because of their age. (older) | |Race | Criminals |Lacks education |Doesn’t work hard but gets more | | | | |money. | Part II Answer each question in 50 to 100 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? There are a few positive aspects of stereotypes. Positive ones are not the ones that come to our head first. Positive aspects of stereotypes include thoughts of a boss when interviewing a potential candidate for a position. For example, an article by Shelly Barclay on life123. com gives ways that positive aspects are used even though we don’t quite see when we use them. She stated that â€Å"Asians are good at math† In my high school days I learned that this was true. I had Asian friends that would help me with my math all the time. This can definitely benefit an Asian for a great job opportunity. (Barclay, 2013) What are the negative aspects of stereotypes? The negative aspects of stereotypes could affect you because you could be wrong in certain situations. Majority of the time we are. One stereotype for African Americans is that they are all trouble and the black men are mostly criminals. This isn’t true, but it is a popular stereotype for African Americans. We as humans tend to let the words that have been â€Å"put into our heads† slowly become facts. Negative stereotypes can cause you to miss out on making a good friend or even a good business decision. Part III Answer each question in 50 to 150 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. Define stereotypes and prejudice. What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice? Use examples to illustrate the differences. According to the online dictionary, ( prejudice means an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts. An example of the famous quote â€Å"Don’t judge a book by its cover. † Being prejudice is having a negative attitude towards an entire group of people according to the text in chapter 2 of the EBook. (Company, 2000) Stereotyping is basically just your personal opinion on someone or something based off just want you believe. This can be towards race, gender, age, ethnicity, and religion. For example, people say â€Å"blondes are stupid† this isn’t true. It’s just another way of people separating types of women. Another example for stereotypes is when people say â€Å"Americans are friendly† this is a nice stereotype, and then again it’s not a true for all. What is the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice? The similarities between stereotyping and prejudice is that they are both personal opinions of what you may think of someone by race, religion, age, gender, ethnicity, and even a disability. They are not known facts or proven statements. They are both things that you do or say to judge a person or put them into â€Å"groups† in your mind. Being prejudice is just a lot worse than developing a stereotype towards people. What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring? I’m not sure if much can be done at all, but just starting to talk differently and keeping personal opinions to ourselves. We need to start by teaching our children the positive ways of life and not to judge people. We should tell teach them to love everyone and pray for our future. Basically, just become a positive example for the younger generation so that they will pick up what’s positive and let go of the entire negative ways slowly, but surely.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Negotiations to End Apartheid Essay -- South Africa Apartheid Essays

Ethnic races in South Africa, have always been highly disproportionate with Africans being the overwhelming majority and the whites the minority. The ratio of races has not changed much over the years. Today, South Africa (which is twice the size of Texas) is home to some 50-million people; 79.5% African, 11.5% Coloured and Indian/Asian and 9% are white ("South Africa's population," 2012.) Not unlike many European countries, South Africa has a history dating back to the 1600’s that is rooted in crimes against humanity. However, South Africa was one of the few countries that created formal laws to endorse full-blown racism. The term â€Å"apartheid† directly translated from its Afrikaans origin means â€Å"separateness,† and absolute separation of rights, based on race, is what the laws of apartheid embodied. Through a brief recap of South African historical events, it is evident that native Africans have been treated as less than humane for centuries. The laws that governed slaves (known as Tulbagh Slave Code), dates back to 1753, and includes such laws as: curfews that required slaves to carry passes; slaves were forbidden to make any noise at night, including singing or whistling; slaves could not converse on the streets of Cape Town; and should they revolt in any manner perceived as violent, they were put to death (Mountain, 2005). Although its title changed, the practices of slavery continued in South Africa until 1994. Documented negotiations to end slavery can be seen as early as the 1893 when Mohandas (Mohatma) Ghandi began his crusade against racism known as â€Å"Satyagraha.† Although considered â€Å"war without violence†, Ghandi’s 1908 campaign stirred the Indian nation to protest en-mass by burning their passes. These acti... ..., A. (2005). An unsung heritage: Perspectives on slavery. Claremont, South Africa: New Africa Books. Reynolds, A. (2005). Reserved Seats in National Legislatures: A Research Note. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 30(2), 301-310. South Africa. (2012). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved from Africa/260110/Resistance-to-apartheid South africa's new era; transcript of mandela's speech at cape town city hall. (1990, February 12). The New York Times. Retrieved from mandela-s-speech-cape-town-city-hall-africa-it.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm South African Government, Brand South Africa. (2012). South africa's population. Retrieved from Big Media Publishers website: Negotiations to End Apartheid Essay -- South Africa Apartheid Essays Ethnic races in South Africa, have always been highly disproportionate with Africans being the overwhelming majority and the whites the minority. The ratio of races has not changed much over the years. Today, South Africa (which is twice the size of Texas) is home to some 50-million people; 79.5% African, 11.5% Coloured and Indian/Asian and 9% are white ("South Africa's population," 2012.) Not unlike many European countries, South Africa has a history dating back to the 1600’s that is rooted in crimes against humanity. However, South Africa was one of the few countries that created formal laws to endorse full-blown racism. The term â€Å"apartheid† directly translated from its Afrikaans origin means â€Å"separateness,† and absolute separation of rights, based on race, is what the laws of apartheid embodied. Through a brief recap of South African historical events, it is evident that native Africans have been treated as less than humane for centuries. The laws that governed slaves (known as Tulbagh Slave Code), dates back to 1753, and includes such laws as: curfews that required slaves to carry passes; slaves were forbidden to make any noise at night, including singing or whistling; slaves could not converse on the streets of Cape Town; and should they revolt in any manner perceived as violent, they were put to death (Mountain, 2005). Although its title changed, the practices of slavery continued in South Africa until 1994. Documented negotiations to end slavery can be seen as early as the 1893 when Mohandas (Mohatma) Ghandi began his crusade against racism known as â€Å"Satyagraha.† Although considered â€Å"war without violence†, Ghandi’s 1908 campaign stirred the Indian nation to protest en-mass by burning their passes. These acti... ..., A. (2005). An unsung heritage: Perspectives on slavery. Claremont, South Africa: New Africa Books. Reynolds, A. (2005). Reserved Seats in National Legislatures: A Research Note. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 30(2), 301-310. South Africa. (2012). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved from Africa/260110/Resistance-to-apartheid South africa's new era; transcript of mandela's speech at cape town city hall. (1990, February 12). The New York Times. Retrieved from mandela-s-speech-cape-town-city-hall-africa-it.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm South African Government, Brand South Africa. (2012). South africa's population. Retrieved from Big Media Publishers website:

Monday, January 13, 2020

Promotion Mix Essay

1. Introduction Promotion is the marketing term used to describe all marketing communications activities. Integration of all the elements of promotion mix is necessary to meet the information requirements of all target customers. This simply means that the promotion mix is not designed to satisfy only the prospective buyer or only the regular buyer. Some elements of the mix may be aimed at the target customer who is unaware of the product, while others may be aimed at potential customers who are fully aware of the product and are likely to purchase it. All the elements of the mix played their roles in bringing about the sale. The elements of the promotion mix must be coordinated and integrated so that they reinforce and complement each other to create a blend that helps in achieving the promotional objectives of the organization. 1.2 Elements of promotional mix Personal Selling Sales Promotion Public Relation †¢ Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Advertising Sponsorship Online Promotions 1.3 Factors influencing promotion mix †¢ The funds available for the activity Irrespective of what the right proportions of a promotion exercise are, it is the funds available that are really crucial in determining the final  promotional mix. It is only a business with the requisite financial resources that can begin and see a promotional effort through. †¢ The nature of the market The first market factor is the position of a product in its life cycle. The creation of primary demand, hitherto nonexistent, is the primary task during the introductory stage; therefore, a high level of promotion effort is needed to explain a new product to potential customers. †¢ The nature of the product In determining the promotional mix the nature of the product being offered must be assessed given that creating awareness say for a consumer product is quite a different kettle of fish compared to what’s required for an industrial product. †¢ The product’s lifecycle stage Determining the promotional mix accurately also calls for an assessment of the four lifecycles that a product goes through. At introduction a product must be presented to the customers and thus creating awareness is the biggest concern. Personal selling and public relations are very applicable. At the growth stage there is already some awareness so advertising is applicable in strengthening the brand name. At maturity advertising remains applicable in fending off the competition. Finally, during sales decline a business will want to substantially cut down on promotional efforts. 1.4 Basic objectives of promotion †¢ To present information to consumers as well as others. †¢ To increase demand. †¢ To differentiate a product 1.5 Role of Promotion †¢ To communicate with individuals, groups or organizations directly or indirectly. †¢ Facilitate exchanges by informing and persuading one or more audiences  to accept an organization’s products. †¢ Communicate with their customers. †¢ Design communication to your specific target audience. 1.6 Scope of the study The present study is an attempt to analyze the existing promotional mix and its effectiveness in organizational growth and development. 1.7 Objective of the study âž ¢ To identify the promotion tools used in Elite super market âž ¢ To measure the influence of promotion mix âž ¢ To asses the responses of the consumers towards the promotional strategies âž ¢ To suggest measures for promoting sales âž ¢ To identify the consumer preference âž ¢ To help in developing promotional plans of the company 1.8 Research methodology 1.8.1 Sources of data Primary data: It was collected through consumer survey and personal interview. The sample size was 50 customers. Secondary data It was collected through books, journals, organizational manuals, magazines, documents and internet. Analytical tools †¢ Tables †¢ Charts †¢ Graphs 1.9 Limitations of the study âž ¢ There can be reporting bias on the part of respondents âž ¢ The sample selection is restricted to 50 consumers due to time constraints âž ¢ Financial constraints effect the reliability of the study âž ¢ Being a student work, the project also helds the inherent limitations of lack of expertise âž ¢ The study is restricted to elite super market and findings cannot be generalized Scheme of the Study The findings of the study are chapterized into 7 chapters. The first chapter consists of the introduction regarding the topic, scope, objectives, research methodology and limitations of the study. The second chapter includes the review of literature. Third chapter consists of the industry profile. The fourth chapter is the company or organizational profile. Fifth  chapter is presentation and analysis of data. The sixth chapter consists of the findings and interpretation and the last chapter is the conclusion. In addition to this, bibliography is annexed. The appendix portion covers the secondary data formats, structured interview schedule, etc.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Christianity Changes in the Nicene Creed to Combat Heresies

Christianity is a very unique religion. It, unlike many of the worlds major religions, places a great emphasis on having the correct beliefs and interpretations of religious doctrines. Being a much more societal religion than many others, Christianity in its early years found that it was important to have every follower have the same understanding of the cardinal beliefs that it preaches. The story of the bible is a very complex one, as compared to other religions. The statement of beliefs of the other Abrahamic religions are all relatively short. They do not rely so heavily on scripture as Christianity does, and therefore there s no need for a comprehensive statement of belief that covers all major events and definitions (Johnson 9).†¦show more content†¦One of the major heresies that was put to rest by the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD was Sebellianism, or more commonly known as Moadalism. The movement of Sebellianism was brought on by Sabellius, a theologian and priest from the third century. Sabellius most likely taught in Rome around the time he first started writing about Moadalism, and little did he know, his questioning of the true nature, or mode, of God would be one of the most common forms of theological errors in the entire Christian faith. In a very basic sense, Moadalism is a denial of the Holy Trinity. Moadalism states that God is a single person, who has revealed himself in three different forms throughout early Christian history. During the time of the Old Testament, God revealed himself as the Father, and was the subject of most of the Old Testament stories. God revealed himself as the Son at the time of the incarnation, and as the Holy Spirit after the ascension of Jesus. The Moadalistic belief continues to state that none of these forms can exist at the same time. They occurred continuously and seamlessly without overlap (Lang 60). Moadalism denies a major pillar of Christianity by completely rejecting the Trinitarian belief that G od is one being that is the Father, the Son, and the HolyShow MoreRelatedThe Nicene Creed Essay1645 Words   |  7 PagesThe Nicene Creed is the creed or profession of faith that was adopted in the city of Nicaea by the first ecumenical council, which met there in the year 325. At that time, the text ended after the words We believe in the Holy Spirit, after which an anathema was added. The doctrine of the Trinity is commonly expressed as: One God, three Persons†, but this word Trinity does not appear in the Bible. So the doctrine is formally defined in the Nicene Creed, which declares Jesus to be: God of GodRead MoreThe, The Roman Empire, And Councils Of The Early Church1925 Words   |  8 PagesArius, the Roman Empire, and Councils of the Early Church Christianity came to a crossroads during the fourth century. Previously, there had been gaps in Church teaching, and so some people began to fill those gaps. One of those people was Arius. Arius was born in 256 A.D. in Libya, but moved to Alexandria, Egypt and became a presbyter there. He began to teach about Jesus as a creature created by God the Father, and so therefore not God. This was seen by many early Christians as a possibilityRead MoreThe Rise Of The Century King Cyrus And Emperor Constantine1302 Words   |  6 PagesKing Cyrus and Emperor Constantine you will discover that these to historical leaders dramatically influenced the change of direction for Judaism and Christianity. There are some scholars who would argue that these to ruler’s conversion to god was not sincere and they were just political masterminds. Either way Cyrus and Constantine are two central figures in Judaism and Christianity, two of the world’s major organized religions. Cyrus and C onstantine took over many lands and built their huge empiresRead MoreThe Rise Of The Century King Cyrus And Emperor Constantine1305 Words   |  6 PagesKing Cyrus and Emperor Constantine you will discover that these two historical leaders dramatically influenced the change of direction for Judaism and Christianity. There are some scholars who would argue that these two ruler’s conversions to god was not sincere and they were just political masterminds. Either way Cyrus and Constantine are two central figures in Judaism and Christianity, two of the world’s major organized religions. Cyrus and Constantine took over many lands and built their huge empires